14.Whether a policy that results in the mass separation of children and parents violates the Constitution's guarantee of due process remains an open question.
16.In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media such as newspapers, TV and radio when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly?
17.Our intention is not to go after the smaller shops, but when we started seeing this formula in the mass retailers, that's when we got concerned, because it's a slippery slope.
18.This well, or abyss, was a narrow cleft in the mass of the granite, called by geologists a 'fault, ' and caused by the unequal cooling of the globe of the earth.
「地心游记-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科学60秒-科学美国人 202110月合集
19.Lyons and her team found that most of the PAHs deposited after the impact were spiky, which suggests that soot from the rocks hit by the asteroid played a major role in the mass extinction.
20.So sadly, we're seeing you know a lot of wartime type wounds with high caliber ammunition, and yeah, so that's exactly right some of the lessons are in that we've used in the mass shootings here in the united states.